How should developers answer this tricky question? Crack the code of job interviews with savvy tips to reframe your weaknesses and showcase your strengths.
Learn how to hire a developer for your startup and avoid common hiring mistakes. Build a skilled team for long-term success and find startup developers.
Hire the best developers in Europe with insights into the top countries for remote talent. Discover cost-effective options, high English proficiency, and thriving ICT sectors.
Explore strategies to stay motivated in the challenging tech scene. Reignite your passion for programming languages.
How can you maintain a good relationship with the company you’re declining their job offer to? This guide will show you how.
Looking to hire developers in Eastern Europe? Discover the many reasons why Eastern European developers are the right choice for your company. Explore top talent today!
The best sites for developers to find work in 2023 are Joberty, No Fluff Jobs,, EchoJobs, and more.
We go over the developer salaries in 2023 of Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Czechia, Poland, and North Macedonia.
Joberty is going global with the release of 3.0 product, bringing the benefits of career growth, transparency, and perfect job matches to EVERYONE in IT.
Learn from your failed job interview experiences and use them as opportunities for growth. Be authentic, confident, and make the best steps in the process.
Discover tips to navigate the difficult transition from job loss to new employment. Learn how to negotiate severance, request references, and update your resume. Utilize recruiters and your professional network, and explore platforms like Joberty Friends for job opportunities.
A few extra euros can be useful, so starting a side job is a logical move. We bring you guidelines on what you need to know before starting a side hustle as a developer and how to achieve the results.