From Junior to Team Leader

From Junior to Team Leader

Banca Intesa
4 min read
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When I started my career as a junior, I could not have imagined the path this job would take me on. Previously, I had worked in the pharmaceutical industry, but entering the banking sector opened up completely new opportunities for learning and advancement. What is important for any career progression is the ability to recognize when it is necessary to adapt and develop new skills.

In my case, as I grew within the company, my role increasingly focused on soft skills and working with people. Managing a team of around 40 people requires more than just technical knowledge—it requires an understanding of human nature, team dynamics, and the ability to motivate others.

One thing I have learned throughout my career is that what got you to one goal does not necessarily get you to the next. 

Specifically, when you become a team leader, being the best technical individual is no longer enough. At that point, it becomes crucial to learn how to delegate tasks. As a leader, you must carefully consider to whom you will assign each task, taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of each team member, and you must also monitor the progress of these tasks. The responsibility now shifts from individual performance to the performance of the entire team.

Every employee requires a different approach, and as leaders, we must be flexible enough to understand what motivates each team member. My experience tells me that each of us has something that drives us passionately. As a leader, your task is to discover what that is because when you manage to identify that motivation, you will not have to rely on your title or authority to achieve results. On the contrary, you will have an employee who will give 100% because they feel their work is recognized and valued.

Taking on responsibility is a crucial aspect of a leadership mindset.

I believe that in life, you always have four options in any situation: the first is to leave the situation if you feel the environment is not for you; the second option is to negotiate and try to change the situation; the third is to accept things as they are; and the fourth—which unfortunately many choose—is to stay and suffer or complain. As leaders, we must be aware of these options and choose the one that leads us to progress rather than dwelling on negative emotions and passivity.

Another important aspect of development is the ability to communicate and collaborate with colleagues. I believe we have all experienced working with colleagues who are always willing to help, even when the task is not theirs. This is a great approach because such people are always preferable to work with. Conversely, there are those who are "guarded," or after you ask for their help, it turns out they hinder more than they help. Such situations clearly show how significant communication and a positive attitude towards cooperation are for team efficiency and interpersonal relations.

Personal development is a continuous process. Career decisions can be improved by using various tools such as PCM (Process Communication Model) and Hogan assessments. These tools help in self-awareness, identifying gaps that need to be closed, and recognizing areas where we already have talents and strengths. However, none of this is effective if you are not ready to hear feedback and accept it openly. It is crucial to have an open mind, be ready to learn from mistakes and try new approaches. New ideas and perspectives can often bring significant progress, and the ability to adapt and change according to feedback can be crucial for your development.

One of the important lessons I have learned during my career is that if you do not know how to manage your emotions and yourself, it can hinder advancement and teamwork. Emotional intelligence is of great importance for professional success. If you do not recognize that colleagues may have a bad day or be under stress due to personal issues, it can be difficult to build effective collaboration.

Sometimes, a simple question like "How are you feeling?" can significantly improve the team atmosphere and help clarify misunderstandings.

Understanding and managing your own emotions, as well as empathy towards the emotions of others, is essential for building positive and productive relationships in the workplace.

However, before reaching a leadership position, I believe it is important to be among the best technical individuals. This is not achieved merely by excelling in everyday tasks but also by taking on greater and more important responsibilities. One of the best ways to do this is to actively ask your superiors what is most important for them to accomplish and offer to take on those tasks. In this way, you not only demonstrate proactivity and initiative but also gain a broader perspective of the team, project, and business as a whole.

This approach is of great significance because if you want someone to entrust you with greater responsibilities, you must first show that you are capable of handling current challenges. When you do this, you become not only a more valuable team member but also someone to whom more complex and responsible tasks are naturally assigned.

All these steps, seen as an adventure, can bring a wealth of professional and personal development. Every stage of a career brings new challenges and opportunities for growth.

Embrace this adventure with enthusiasm and openness to new ideas and experiences.

Enjoy the journey, celebrate every success, and let every step be an opportunity for learning and improvement.

Author: Nikola Stamenković, Head of Infrastructure department at Banca Intesa Belgrade

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