How to custom instructions for ChatGPT

How to custom instructions for ChatGPT

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If you want to discover effective ways of maximizing the utility of generative AI models, in this article we provide you with insights on how to custom instructions for optimal outcomes when interacting with ChatGPT.

The most important thing here is to understand that the main interaction with ChatGPT depends on the prompt you provide. As such, your prompt needs to be rich in information, offering specific details that enable ChatGPT to comprehend your intentions and preferences, so that it can formulate responses that align with your requirements.

How to write the right ChatGPT prompt?

A prompt refers to a phrase or a set of keywords utilized as input for AI tools, such as ChatGPT. 

It's on you to provide ChatGPT with the information you have and those you seek to find out. Therefore, you can influence the quality of responses by giving the relevant inputs too.

To ensure that you receive the desired answer, you can follow the steps outlined below, starting with a well-defined objective in mind. For instance, this objective may involve generating responses that provide information on a specific topic. However, by commencing with a clear goal, users can craft prompts that are more precise and effective.

Typically, a ChatGPT prompt consists of three key elements: context, question, and keywords.

Provide necessary context

ChatGPT will provide you with the desired information by considering the context provided. 

You must not forget that if ChatGPT lacks the crucial context necessary for an accurate and comprehensive response, it's imperative to furnish it with the relevant information to make an informed response.

Without a proper context or essential information, it may be incomplete or even incorrect. 

Questions you ask

Define and ask ChatGPT open-ended queries that stimulate dialogue and introspection. This means avoiding yes-or-no questions and formulating questions that require more comprehensive responses.

Avoid using slang or jargon, informal expressions, or specialized terminology, as such a language approach may be challenging for AI models to understand. Go with straightforward and clear language instead.

Ask for singular inquiries to maintain ChatGPT's focus on delivering precise responses, preventing potential confusion that might arise from multiple questions simultaneously. If needed, you can always ask follow up questions. 


The way you articulate your expectations from ChatGPT holds significant importance.  Being precise and using specific keywords is important. Always start your ChatGPT prompt with action-oriented words like "Create", "Make" or "Generate", avoiding "Can you".

Among the most fitting keywords are: "write", "explain", "list", "analyze", "design" or "brainstorm".

Suggest the type of answer

When ChatGPT provides you with a yes or no, or another one word answer instead of a comprehensive paragraph, it presents a potential lack of clarity in your prompt. 

To ensure you receive the desired response, it's crucial to specify the type of answer you are looking for. So, if you want a specific response you must ask for it, whether you seek for a clear right/wrong answer or a more detailed one like a report. 

Define the expected format

ChatGPT has the capability to produce code in multiple programming languages, such as Python or HTML, as well as create visual elements like charts and CSV files.

But it can be done only with the right input. Providing information about both the input format and your preferred output format is a way for ensuring the exact results you require.


Adding illustrative examples within your prompt helps AI to understand what response you seek.

The significance of examples is particularly useful in fields such as mathematics, coding, parsing, and any domain where precision is critical.

By offering positive examples, those that align with your preferences, you can lead the AI toward producing similar outcomes. At the same time, you have the option to guide it by sharing negative examples or even referencing previous results generated by the AI that did not meet your expectations.

Leverage prompt chaining

You can get desired outputs from your prompts through a technique known as "chaining." Using this approach, you incorporate outputs generated by ChatGPT into subsequent prompts.

For instance, you might request ChatGPT to write a three-paragraph summary of a certain text. Once ChatGPT provides this summary, you can add it to a new prompt, asking for the transformation of that content into two LinkedIn posts.

By linking your prompts in this manner, instead of requesting ChatGPT to complete everything in a single step, you gain the advantage of more time to think about your requirements, fine-tune ChatGPT's responses, and finally get an outcome that aligns more closely with your specific needs.

Give GPT a role 

GPT has the capability to respond with a predefined perspective, such as that of a market researcher or an expert in renewable energy, including a specific coding language without need to repeat these instructions each time you engage with it.

To accomplish this, you can customize the System prompt from its default "You are a helpful assistant" to any role or context you desire for GPT in the OpenAI playground. By assigning a specific role, you automatically provide persistent context into all your future requirements.

You can also engage in role-playing with ChatGPT, which can prove beneficial for brainstorming or practice purposes. For instance, you can request ChatGPT to assist you in interview preparation by taking on the role of the interviewer. In this scenario, ChatGPT will ask you questions, providing even suggestions to improve your interview responses.

Custom instructions

In July, OpenAI introduced  Custom Instructions, enabling users to tailor ChatGPT to align better with their specific requirements. With Custom Instructions, you have the capability to incorporate your preferences or specifications, guiding ChatGPT in generating responses that match your criteria. For instance, if you are a software developer, Custom Instructions offer a valuable means to customize ChatGPT's responses to your unique writing style.

Currently, the Custom Instructions feature is exclusively accessible to ChatGPT Plus subscriber, but, OpenAI has stated that it plans to roll out this feature to all users soon.

To utilize ChatGPT's Custom Instructions with your Plus subscription, go to the Settings & Beta section on the ChatGPT website and select Beta features. Activate the Custom Instructions option and input your preferences. This involves two fields: one for describing yourself and your role, and another for specifying how you'd like ChatGPT to structure its responses, including tone and style.

As a software developer, you can benefit from using Custom Instructions by providing context for your work and detailing your preferred programming style and language. As previously mentioned, you can use the first box to introduce yourself and your preferences, while in the second box, you can instruct ChatGPT with directives like how code you would like to write.  

Other possibilities for software developers using Custom instructions include requesting assistance in breaking complex algorithms, serving as a code reviewer to optimize algorithms or to write unit tests.

With Custom Instructions ChatGPT will consistently incorporate your defined style and preferences into every subsequent conversation, so you don't need to reiterate your specifications in each interaction. For instance, if a developer prefers efficient code in a language other than Java, they need only communicate this preference once, and ChatGPT will understand and take actions in regard to it.

Test and refine

Whatever method you use for accessing ChatGPT, you have to be patient and consistent in your goal. 

Once you make your custom instructions, the testing phase becomes essential to confirm that ChatGPT provides the desired responses. It is not unusual that you have to refine your prompts several times before the right combination of specifics and phrasing aligns with your requirements.

Practice a lot and be open to learn and gain new skills to utilize the use of AI models.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, to unlock the full potential of ChatGPT you must master the art of crafting effective prompts. The demand for this skill is on the rise, and with practice and refinement, you can make the most of ChatGPT. By leveraging the power of well-crafted instructions, users can use ChatGPT's capabilities to their advantage, fostering their productivity and results.


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