Thoughts, stories, and career insights for the developer community
Joberty Blog
5 min read

Your code in cars of the new generation - be part of the new technological revolution

This concept is closer to us than we think. Find out why and how close, in the text below.

5 min read

How does reduced working hours affect team effectiveness?

Want to know if is it possible to work 7 hours per day? It is. Read how they do it in Brid.TV.

6 min read

Product vs. Outsource companies - Which is better and does it make sense to compare?

Read the text and figure out which one suits you better.

13 min read

Navigating The Great Reshuffle: Asking for a Raise in 2023

Learn how to ask for a raise in the post-pandemic job market. Discover the key strategies for salary negotiation during the Great Reshuffle in 2023.

4 min read

Business Systems Analyst Job Description

Discover the requirements, duties, responsibilities, and skills that a business systems analyst job description should include.

4 min read

Developer Advocate Salary

Developer advocates in the United States earn an average salary of $124,000 per year or around $10,000 per month.

5 min read

Best Way to Learn Linux 🎮

Master the art of Linux with a dash of humour! Dive into our entertaining guide to learn Linux through games on the web. Begin your journey today!

6 min read

How to Create Your First App

You want to create your first app but are not sure where to start. This article will give you an insight into what to focus on and what is actually important. Keep reading!

5 min read

Embedded Developer Job Description

Discover the requirements, duties, responsibilities, and skills that an embedded developer job description should include.

9 min read

How to Explain Leaving a Negative Work Environment

Are you struggling in a toxic workplace? Learn how to recognize the signs, take care of yourself, and make the decision to move on to a healthier work environment.

7 min read

What is the secret of staying in the same company for more than 10 years? What is the secret?

Imagine staying in one company for more than 10 years? Don't think it is possible? It is. Find below how employees from Levi9 managed that.

5 min read

Beyond IT... KARTING!

Ana does karting, what is your passion along IT? Share your Beyond IT story...

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