Product update: It's time for all of us to contribute
When we started building Joberty it was with a deep sense of giving back to the community. Being members ourselves we made a platform for people like us to help when we are looking for relevant insights about IT employers.
Our community has grown with the help of members willing to share their experiences with employers. Thanks to those contributors, our continuous efforts in building a better IT world have been fortified and has proven us to be on the right track.
Get access to 30.000+ employer reviews on Joberty
With the idea of further strengthening the IT community and encouraging cooperation, we've decided to introduce a Give to Get Policy.
It's time for all of us to step in and help others in searching for relevant employer information. Your contributions can help job seekers, just as theirs can help you.
Starting from May 13th, users on Joberty will get full access to review sections for 12 months, only after leaving a review or filling out the Perfect Match profile.
If you don’t have experience or if you would rather fill out the Perfect Match profile, that’s totally fine! We’ll be happy to propose to you some fresh opportunities, matched by your skills, needs, and wishes.
Anything you might wonder about this change, we have answered below.
What if I have left a review before, do I have full access to reviews?
All those who have left a review within the past 1 year will remain to have access to all reviews until the expiration of 12 months.
If I have already filled in the Perfect Match Profile, do I have full access to reviews?
If you completed Perfect Match Profile in the past 1 year, will remain to have access to all reviews until the expiration of 12 months.
Is there a specific review type that I need to leave?
No, each review type counts equally. You must leave at least 1 review be it of type: Product & Technology, Culture & Team, Interview, Salary, or Purpose in order to get access to all reviews. Remember that review must be approved by our Admin team before you get the full access.
When I leave a review, for how long will I get unlimited access?
After your review gets published, you will get 1 year of full access to Joberty reviews sections.
What if I leave 2 reviews at once, will that bring me extra time of unlimited access?
No, it won't. The 1 year period is counted starting from your latest review. We want to make sure that all the information provided is up to date and relevant at every time.
Does this mean I won't be able to access the rest of the content on Joberty?
Of course not! Only the review sections are affected by this change. You can still access to 2 latest reviews of each type for every employer. The rest of the sections remain as is. You can still read content on Community, Blog, company overview, and Webinars. Job Board is available to everyone as before.
What are the exceptions? What if I’m a student or have no recent work experience?
If you have been unemployed, haven't been to a job interview, or you’re a student and have no work experience to share, you can fill in a Perfect Match profile.
That's it in a nutshell! This move was necessary to maintain transparency in the IT sector at a level that meets your needs and ours.
For all questions, we are here. Write to us at hello@joberty.com
Your Joberty team