Everything you need to know about hiring processes, the best CV, layoffs, your career development, and tips & tricks to succeed in business.
The average salary for a cloud engineer in Germany is €72,600
DevOps engineer in Germany earn an average salary of €62,000 per year or around €5,150 per month.
Discover the best excuses to quit a job without notice. Learn how to handle sensitive situations professionally and maintain your integrity.
Master the art of answering salary expectations during job interviews. Learn effective strategies and boost your confidence.
Discover how to answer "Why do you want to work here?" effectively. Understand why it's crucial, what not to say, and how to showcase your strengths. Ace your next interview with these tips!
Find solutions when you hate your job. Escape misery, address toxic environments, burnout, and low salary. Take control of your career happiness now!
The best developer communities you should follow in 2023 are Product Hunt, Hacker News, Daily.Dev, Reddit, GitHub Forum, TLDR, and others.
A deep dive into the subtle yet significant signs that indicate your boss might want you to quit, strategies to handle such situations, and understanding different severance packages across countries.
Learn how to write effective resignation letters for personal reasons, including sample templates and tips for a smooth transition.
Hating your job can lead to reduced motivation, stress, poor sleep, burnout, low self-esteem, weight change, and social withdrawal. Take action!
Discover subtle signs of a bad manager, from lack of support to taking undue credit. Empower yourself in the workplace by understanding poor leadership.
Are you a junior looking for an opportunity to dive into the tech world during this global crisis? Don't feel discouraged yet. Find the list of tech companies who are hiring and info on what they are looking for in the text!