Welcome to Joberty blog!

Welcome to Joberty blog!

4 min read
Welcome to Joberty Blog

When we started our Joberty story, we had a clear vision of further regional expansion. Over time, we have entered several markets, improved the platform on all of them with Joberty 2.0 version, and now we are moving on. We have progressed, we have become regional, and now it is time for our blog to progress and move in the same direction. With that, we are happy to tell you that we are introducing Joberty blog!

We have never held back or limited the market we operate in, and we do not plan to do so now. With this, we open up further possibilities, expand our horizons and connect more with you both as clients and as users. Here is what we have prepared for you!

What does a regional blog mean to you as a reader?

From now on, blog texts will be available to readers in all our markets: Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania, North Macedonia and beyond. We will write in English and we will make sure that great stories reach you. Texts will be enriched with interesting interviewees, they will follow the latest trends, they will mention the most important figures in the world of technology, and they will contribute both to your interest and to your knowledge.

What does the regional blog mean for all our partners?

With a regional blog, we ensure greater visibility for all the content published on our blog. We open the way for the development of regional cooperation and the creation of new partnerships. Moreover, stories and ideas get the opportunity to spread to all corners of the region.

What topics will the blog cover?

The content will be diverse, and we have decided to introduce a couple of categories. Interested in DEV topics? Super! Read all about the latest tech trends, programming languages, QA testing, WEB development tools, artificial intelligence, and many other interesting developer topics.

Do you perhaps lean more toward the HR side? We have that too! In the subheader, find the HR category, click on it, and find many articles related to employment, employee retention, benefits that developers want, everything about employee engagement in IT, and the like.

In addition to DEV and HR, we are introducing some more categories. These are NEWS & EVENTS, PROMO, AND EMPLOYER BRANDING. Next weekend is a big tech event in the city, the company XY is opening new offices, and the biggest IT conference is taking place, you will find all this under NEWS & EVENTS and PROMO categories. We will inform you about new solutions that we implement for us, for users, for companies, but also for all those who are interested in it.

As for the PROMO part, it will contain information about the latest events, actions, and promotions. This is where we give space and freedom to us and our partners to share interesting things with the IT community. An IT prize game or partner actions are being organized, all that and more, find out in the PROMO section of the Joberty blog.

We often emphasize the importance of EMPLOYER BRANDING for IT companies on our platform, as well as through social media posts. With this, the EB part got its own separate category on the Front Page of the blog. Are you interested in how the largest IT companies present themselves, what benefits they offer, or what makes their culture within the teams special? You will be able to read exactly that in the Employer Branding section.

As with Joberty 2.0 we worked on some UI/UX changes, we decided to follow that trend with the blog as well. The visual experience is just as important to us as the content we publish, that's why we worked on simplicity and practicality with a new freshness of design. The possibilities are endless and for those that prefer audio over reading, we have that covered as well.

What's the frequency of publishing the blog posts?

The blog text will be published every Tuesday at 10 am CET. Prepare coffee or tea and see what we have in store for you that week. And make sure to leave a comment below or give us thumbs up or down within the Newsletter we send out every Tuesday. Based on your feedback, we will align our topics to match your interest.

To summarize

With the regional blog, we want to stay up to date, and provide access to all our users and clients by following the most important global trends in IT. Do you, as a company, want to write about your news or do you want to educate readers with content from the field in which you work in? Excellent. Now you get space and time for that. You can spread your knowledge, promote your work and expand your network of candidates and clients. We hereby give readers the opportunity to read articles about the trends of IT companies from any market in which we operate. Are you interested in how IT companies operate in Serbia, Croatia, Romania, North Macedonia or maybe Bulgaria and Slovenia? From now on you can find all that on the Joberty regional blog. Who knows, maybe you like your neighbor's way of working better, so you manage to get a job there or you discover some trick from another team, apply it in your business and solve the problem? There are many possibilities and something for everyone!

[10:27 AM]